Our Services
We provide advice on an ongoing basis to you on the services below, please click on our terms of business link for our full terms of business and a list of companies that we hold agencies with.
At its simplest a pension is a tax efficient way of providing an income in retirement, however when you consider the ever increasing complexity of this sector it becomes apparent that the advice you receive is vital if you are to take the correct route when trying to provide for retirement and maximizing the many benefits that a properly set up retirement plan can offer .
Pensions come in a variety of formats:
- The Self-employed and persons in non-pensionable employment can arrange their pension via a Personal Pension or a Personal Retirement Savings Account [PRSA].
- Company Directors can arrange their pension via an Executive or Company paid Pension Plan.
- Public and Civil Servants are pensioned via a compulsory defined benefits scheme with guaranteed benefits at retirement based on salary and years of service.
- Employees can be pensioned by joining their employers’ occupational scheme at work.

Our highly experienced team of advisors will work on your behalf to deliver a Pension solution to safeguard your lifestyle and that of your dependents, in your retirement years.
For more information Contact Us
Post Retirement
We provide a full analysis of your existing pensions prior to retirement and offer a range of options dependent on your personal circumstances, these options include
- Tax Free Lump Sums
- Annuity options
- Approved Retirement Funds
- Approved Minimum Retirement Funds
For more information Contact Us

Life Cover / Financial Protection

Aside from the emotional impact of a death or serious illness, there is a very real financial impact from unexpected serious illness, injury or premature death to a family or business, this financial impact can be very significant at a time when you are at your most vulnerable
Taking out Life Cover/Financial Protection is a simple, effective way of providing peace of mind, should the worst happen, knowing that your loved ones will have the financial security in the event of a tragedy or that you would not have an income shortfall while recuperating after severe ill health.
We can provide advice on all aspects of life and protection cover:
- Mortgage Protection
- Term Cover
- Whole of Life Cover
- Critical Illness Cover
- Income Protection
- Keyperson (Keyman)
- Partnership Insurance
- Co-Directors
- Death in Service
If you require further information or a quotation – Contact Us
Financial Planning
A financial plan is a comprehensive evaluation of an investor’s current and future financial state to project future cash flows, asset values and drawdowns. Its an analysis of your current net worth, tax liabilities, asset allocation and future plans to determine if a person’s financial goals can be met in the future, or what steps need to be taken to ensure that they are.
Elements of a Financial Plan
- Financial goals
- Personal net worth statement
- Cash flow analysis.
- Retirement strategy
- Comprehensive risk management plan
- Long-term investment plan
- Tax reduction strategy
- Estate plan
We work closely with your accountants, tax & legal advisors) to ensure that your Financial Plan achieves its objectives.
We can devise and implement a plan for you. Contact Us


In partnership with you we will build a plan which addresses your personal financial situation and aims to help you achieve your financial objectives. Whatever your reasons for saving or investing , it is important you have a plan that addresses your personal financial situation, aims to achieve your financial objectives and goals and is custom built to suit your needs, and factors in issues such as required access, attitude to risk ,term of the investment, charging structures .
We offer clear, concise and advice on all aspects of saving and investing.
Your individual plan will be custom built to suit your needs.
For more information Contact Us